
How To Fix Windows 10 Start Menu

When Windows 10 works, information technology's a great operating system. When it doesn't, it causes many inconveniences and lots of frustration. Among Microsoft's pile of peculiarities is its talent for throwing up brain-scratching bugs. Of course, this tech issue is expected when you dispose of your Quality Assurance team and rely on user feedback instead. Regardless, one of these bugs is the Start menu freezing.

How to Fix the Windows 10 Start Menu if it's Frozen

The proficient news is that at that place are a few solutions to a freezing Commencement Card in Windows 10. Some are easy; others are trickier. You can try the peak four fixes beneath, from just shutting down programs to tinkering with Microsoft'due south Windows Media Creation Tool. Hither are the details.

Fixing the Frozen Start Menu Trouble

Given that many symptoms can crusade the frozen beginning menu to occur in Windows 10, here's a rundown of the solutions that might piece of work for you lot.

1. Check for Corrupt Files That Causes Your Frozen Windows 10 Start Menu

Many issues with Windows come down to decadent files and Outset carte bug are no exception. To fix this, launch the Task Manager either by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting Chore Manager or hitting " Ctrl + Alt + Delete. "

  1. Type "PowerShell" into the "Cortana/Search bar," single click on "Windows PowerShell" from the list if needed, and so right-click and choose "Run equally administrator" or select it in the correct pane.
  2. At present, type "sfc /scannow" without quotes and hit "Enter." Take note of the space betwixt "sfc" and "/scannow."
  3. If y'all see the "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files only was unable to prepare some (or all) of them" error, blazon "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Paradigm /RestoreHealth," without the quotes. Y'all'll need to exist connected online, as Windows will download clean versions of corrupted files and replace them. If you see "Windows Resource Protection constitute decadent files and successfully repaired them," you are all ready.

If the in a higher place solution doesn't gear up your Windows 10 Offset menu freeze-upwards bug, move on to the next option.

2. Kill the Windows Explorer Process


Killing Windows Explorer is a quick-and-piece of cake fix that may come in handy for various situations, such as when yous have non-responsive windows or sporadic bug on the Windows desktop. The process is not guaranteed to work but has saved many Windows users from reinstalling their operating system. Here's how to kill the Windows Explorer process.

  1. Correct-click the "Start Carte du jour" icon and select "Task Manager" from the menu or hold downward "Ctrl + Shift + Escape."
  2. At present, scroll through the "Processes" tab until you lot find "Windows Explorer." If Windows Explorer is already open, you lot'll run across some other entry with a dropdown option, as shown beneath. Ignore that entry and cull the one without a dropdown.
  3. Next, correct-click on the "Windows Explorer" job specified above and select "Restart" from the menu.

If restarting Windows Explorer does not solve your freezing Start Menu problem, move on to Solution #iii.

3. Rebuild the Alphabetize to Repair Your Frozen Windows 10 Outset Carte


Indexing is the process of inspecting files, emails, and other types of content within your Windows 10 OS. The method also involves cataloging essential data, such as words, file locations, metadata, etc. If you perform a keyword search in Windows Explorer, you use the indexing process that reviews all stored information to lucifer your search criteria. The alphabetize of data helps speed up the search procedure significantly. Here'south how to rebuild the Windows 10 index.

  1. Concord downwards "Windows Cardinal + R" to open the "Run" window. Alternatively, correct-click the "Start Bill of fare" and select "Run."
  2. Now, type in "command /name Microsoft.IndexingOptions" without the quotes, and click "OK."
  3. Side by side, click "Modify" on the bottom left of the "Indexing Options" window.
  4. From here, click the "Show all locations" button.
  5. Then, uncheck all the currently ticked locations and select "OK."
  6. Now, click "Advanced," then click on "Rebuild" in the Troubleshooting section. A message pops up stating that this may take some time. Click "OK" to proceed.
  7. In one case the rebuild is consummate, hold down "Windows Key + R" to open the "Run" window once more, then blazon in "shutdown /r" without quote marks, and click "OK" to restart your auto.

If rebuilding the Windows ten index hasn't fixed your reluctant Windows x Kickoff Carte lockup, it'southward fourth dimension to create some media.

four. Use the Media Creation Tool to Fix Windows 10 Start Menu

There are several fixes to the Windows ten Start card upshot, just the Media Creation Tool is the only method widely reported to solve the freezing Start Menu problem. So, if you've already made the fault of embarking on some long-winded set from a random net forum and it didn't work, give this procedure a effort.

The good news is that while using the Media Creation Tool is a bit elongated, it's the nigh likely method to set up your result. The tool won't delete your existing files when used correctly, although it is worth backing up anything important.

The bad news is that this process involves downloading the Microsoft Windows Media Cosmos Tool and creating Windows ten installation media on a DVD or USB storage device. If anything goes wrong, yous'll have to perform a clean install of Windows 10 and restore your data from the fill-in.

How to Use the Windows ten Media Cosmos Tool.

  1. Get to Microsoft'south Media Creation Tool site and download the Media Creation Tool, which appears on the page's lesser department.
  2. Create a system installation disk using the Windows Media Cosmos Tool.
  3. Double-click on "setup.exe" from the media you lot've created to launch the installation process.

Annotation: When yous get through the menus for the installation above, ensure that you lot click "Keep files and applications." This step guarantees that the install process updates or replaces the necessary files and preserves your information and applications. Nonetheless, it mostly won't go on installed programs.

5. Perform a Fresh Installation

When none of the above procedures terminate the Windows 10 Starting time Menu from freezing or locking up, back up all your data and start a new Windows 10 installation but be sure you accept your Windows 10 product key on hand! If you have a fast USB pollex drive or external SSD, installing Windows from there is your best bet—you'll be done in a half-hour or so.

Oft Asked Questions

This section will answer more of your questions nigh the Windows x Kickoff Carte du jour.

What causes the Start Carte du jour to freeze?

There are a number of software bug that lead to Start Menu problems. First, one common culprit of this problem is a new software update. Windows is notorious for leaving users with new glitches and difficulties when a new update has rolled out. If you lot've recently performed an update, try to scroll it back or update your machine to a more recent version.

Some other crusade tin be corrupted files. Y'all tin can perform a browse for corrupted or missing files on your PC, but following the steps listed above should ready the issue.

Lastly, malware or a virus can result in problems with your Start Carte. Run a virus scan and clean up your PC to combat whatever malicious software causing the problem.

How practise I access the Settings on my PC without the Start Card?

Fortunately, Windows gives users plenty of workarounds with keyboard shortcuts. Naturally, when trying to set errors on your machine, y'all'll head to the Settings. Merely use the " Win + I " keyboard shortcut if your Start Menu isn't working.

Your Settings menu volition appear on the screen, allowing you to check for updates and perform other essential tasks.

1 Solution at a Time

A lot can go wrong with an OS, especially 1 every bit prolific as Windows 10. Later on all, there are more than than 50 one thousand thousand lines of lawmaking running behind the scenes of your device. Start with a simple pressing of the Windows key to come across if that fixes the issue, and so move on from there.

How To Fix Windows 10 Start Menu,


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