
How To Change Folder Color On Windows 10

The desktop is the face up of a computer. It shows your daily routine, work process, and kind of your personality. Typical folder icons are hard to navigate through because of their aforementioned boring yellow color. The brain processes visuals better, so coloring folders can help you lot classify and increase productivity. So, how to change folder color?

There is a born circuitous method, and there is a simple 1, but information technology requires the installation of additional software. Allow'south talk about both…

  • Change Folder Color in Windows (the piece of cake way)
  • Modify Folder Color in Backdrop in Windows (for those who don't want to install anything)
  • Alter Folder Color in desktop.ini file in Windows (for those who write a script or for some reason the starting time two are not suitable)
  • Color-coded folders system in Windows

Change Folder Color in Windows (the like shooting fish in a barrel way)

The easiest fashion to change folder colour in Windows is to employ folder colorizer software. In such programs as Folder Marker, you lot can utilise ready colors for your folders comfortably and modify the color in 2 clicks.

  1. Right-click needed folder
  2. Cull "Mark Folder" and click on the color yous want to employ

If y'all want to bargain with folders this style, then you need to download and install the program here – alter folder color in Windows . This will add a new item to the folder's popup card: "Mark Binder", and will be able to change folder color in two clicks.

A free version of Folder Marking is plenty to paint in all basic colors (red, dark-green, and blue – in two clicks, simply to see the rest – you lot need 1 more click), and in the Pro version all colors are visible at one time + dark and low-cal shades are present. Plus more than icon tags and other useful features.

Change Folder Colour in Properties in Windows

Windows has a built-in fashion to change the folder icon. Just in that location are no prepare-made colored icons. So, nosotros demand to search for them first. We can utilize icon sites and download something like from the Internet.

  • How to modify folder colour in properties
  1. Go to icon site, for example –
  1. Download icons that have different colors. You can find these icons past typing "binder" + color. For example "binder pink" Save in ICO format.
pink folder
Write " folder (the color yous want) to find a needed icon
pink folder in ICO format
Salve in ICO format
  1. Choose the binder you desire to colorize
  2. Right-click on the binder, select the option – "properties"
  3. Click on the "customize" tab
  4. Select "Change Icon"
  5. Click on "Search", and find the saved icon
  6. Hit "Apply", and then "OK". Come across new icon (with a new color)
change folder color
The upshot

Change Binder Colour in desktop.ini file in Windows

All of the in a higher place can be washed manually via editing a text file in Notepad. This may be needed if you are writing, for example, some script and you need to automate folder colorization.

  • Difficult way for technical guys…

Practice the icon search again, or use previously downloaded icons.

  1. First, you lot need to configure Windows so that desktop.ini is visible. For that: become to the Control Panel, open File Explorer Options, and click on the View tab. Check "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and uncheck "Hibernate protected operating arrangement files", "Hibernate extensions for known file types". Click Ok.
File Explorer Options
Check and uncheck in File Explorer Options, and then the desktop.ini become visible
  1. Create a new text file in the binder you want to apply a custom icon for, name it desktop.txt and Non desktop.ini. We will explicate afterward why.
  1. Open this text file (desktop.txt) and add two lines:



where "IconFileName.ico" should be replaced with a existent path to the icon file you want to apply. For that, you can сlick on the Start push button, type "name of the downloaded file", and click on "Re-create total path".

copy full path to change folder color
Copy full path of .ico file and past information technology to desktop.txt
  1. The first line tells Windows at that place are custom folder settings.

The second line is the total path to the icon file and the icon alphabetize inside the file. For ICO file icon index e'er 0. For ICL, EXE, DLL files, there can be several icons inside and the first i has 0 index. F.ex. if there are ten icons inside a file, the index of the 4th icon will exist 3.

I added the path to the ICO file that I downloaded from the Internet before
  1. Save the file, and rename desktop.txt to desktop.ini. It is important to rename the file to desktop.ini and not save a file directly called desktop.ini, or information technology won't show the custom icon.
Save desktop.txt
Rename desktop.txt to desktop.ini
  1. Make the next change to run across your custom icon displayed. Gear up the Read-only attribute for the folder itself. Nosotros tin't do information technology from the Windows user interface, just we can apply Control Prompt. Printing Win+R on the keyboard and type "cmd". Then but printing Ok.
  2. You will see the Command Prompt window. Write attrib +r, and past your path of the folder. Use quotes if your path has spaces.

attrib +r [pathtofolder]

Coppand Prompt
Write attrib +r "[pathtofolder]" in Command Prompt
  1. At present y'all can run into that the icon of the binder – changed. If non, it will usually do and then afterwards several seconds, or sign out and sign in to restart the explorer process.
change folder color
The folder color has inverse

Color-coded folders organisation in Windows

It is time-wasting to search through all of your same looking folders. It'south ameliorate to organize your files in some construction – color structure. Using a colour-coded arrangement allows you to organize folders for yourself to easily navigate through thematics. A comfortable way for this procedure – using color-coded software. Change folders quickly, in ii clicks.

If you lot are interested in this topic, here is a detailed article on how to create information technology and how to use it –


At present you know how to alter folder color in Windows in Properties, in desktop.ini file, or with the assist of Folder Marker utility. Too, you see that you can make your own color-coded binder system for usability. Make dealing with folders easier.

How To Change Folder Color On Windows 10,


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